This book is just "eh". I skimmed it over the course of two days because that's all you really need. It is a skimmable book. Find what you need to apply to your life, and then take the book back to the library. I say the library because you will be wasting your money if you actually pay for it. I got a few good pointers, took my few notes, and put it right back in my work bag so I can drop it off at the library during my commute. The author tries to seem hip, cool, and nonchalant about everything he's done. He seems to say, "Look! If I did it this easily, you can too!!" However, I am leery of anyone who tells you to charge more debt to your credit card in order to achieve your dreams. I'm just of the school of thought that if you were trying to have freedom from the constraints of a job, why would you shackle yourself to a creditor and owe them money? I don't need that kind of "freedom". I was actually almost hesitant to even list this book on my blog because I had so much displeasure with it initially. Since I did get a limited amount of good ideas from it, though, I am reluctantly posting it. This should be read with a grain of salt.

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