I am on a kick now where I'm really trying to instill positive vibes into every aspect of my life. This book helped me do that in an amazing way. What made the book stand out to me is that the author is straight forward and tells you the truth. It's like when your best friend sits you down and says "What the hell is wrong with you? Get your sh*t together". You can accept her saying that to you because you know in your heart of hearts that you needed a good kick in the rear. Well I needed a good kick in the rear and a healthy dose of inspiration.....and I got it. If you have the desire to take on a new endeavor, evolve into greatness, or do what you've always dreamed of doing, this book will slap you across the face and motivate you. I read this book on my NOOK and so far it is the most heavily highlighted book on my device (and that is saying a lot because the highlight function on the NOOK is unbearable!). I know I will be referencing this book in the days, weeks, and months to come.

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