When I first started reading this book, I thought I would read a few pages, place a bookmark, read a little more the next day, and repeat for a few days. So imagine my surprise when I started reading the book on a Saturday afternoon and realized by Saturday night that I was already 212 pages deep. The only reason I didn't finish the book that night was because I was just plain tired and couldn't go on (although I was really trying!). Even when I was falling asleep that first night, my last waking thoughts were about the characters. Two young girls tell the story. Each is the daughter of James Witherspoon, however one is legitimate and one is not. He is married to both mothers of his girls, however the "official" family has no clue that the other exists. The "unofficial" family knows everything and that is where you will find the emotional pull of the story. How do you live in the shadow of people who don't know you even exist? I found myself wishing both families could somehow emerge intact, but as the girls guide you towards the climax of the story, you slowly realize that something has to give. Tayari Jones develops each character well and takes her time with it. You feel sympathetic for one character and angry with another, then she gives you a little more insight on the character you dislike and all of a sudden you feel sorry for him or her. The dialogue feels genuine and the situations are realistic. This is another book I would recommend as a summer read...it's park, beach, and travel ready.

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