This book was really good during the first part, then the twist is introduced in the second part and it's still pretty good for about half of the second part. Around the latter half of the second part, though, I started to think "Okay wrap it up.....let's get the story over with." Then I started to skim-read. I don't know if I'm just going through an impatient streak where I automatically feel like a lot of books are about 100 pages too long or if the stories are genuinely too long. Either way, this had the makings of a great psychological thriller with the requisite "keep you guessing" twist. However, once the twist is revealed, everything that happens after that just left me scratching my head and seriously contemplating the sanity of both main characters. If you've ever seen the movie Secretary, you may find yourself thinking along the lines of that movie as you near the end of this book. Some people are in the relationship they want, regardless of what it appears to be from the outside looking in. It's a fairly quick read (2 days), so pick it up if you have a weekend to yourself to relax.
Special shout out to my colleague at work for allowing me to borrow this book since the wait at the library was ridiculous. Thanks CG!

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