Finally! Of course my old standby, James Patterson, would get me out of this summer slump of books that go on and on when brevity would suffice. He is notorious for his short chapters that keep you reading because they always end with some quasi-cliffhanger. In high school, James Patterson and Jackie Collins were my guilty pleasure go-to authors. Who am I kidding; they are still my go-to authors for thrills (Patterson) and trashy lifestyles (Collins).
So naturally when I was in the Denver airport and saw a James Patterson paperback with the Eiffel Tower on the cover, I gladly slapped my ten dollars on the counter. We know I love all things travel and The Postcard Killers did not disappoint. A couple is traveling all over Europe killing other couples. An NYPD detective whose daughter was one of the victims is on the case along with a Swedish journalist. I started reading it on the plane, but when I got back to Philly I set it aside to read Gone Girl and The Art of Fielding (both of which were borrowed so I had to finish and return them). Finally today was the day I could get back to my thriller! I finished it in about 7 hours (broken up of course by food, bathroom, internet, and phone breaks). This is the perfect definition of summer reading. Action packed, fast paced, and to the point. No superfluous writing. If Patterson can use one word, he uses one word. If the sky is blue, it's blue. word we all understand. After my run of books that say too much, this book said just enough.

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