Years ago, I read a book called Slaughterhouse by Gail A. Eisnitz. That book led me to the decision to stop eating pork and beef. Her book left such an impression on me that I changed my whole diet based on it. This book, Eating Animals, tries to make the reader see how horrible factory farming is and why people should make the ethical decision to skip meat. However, it misses the mark because the author then produces evidence of good farmers who use humane practices. By doing that, he offers an "out" for those who still wish to eat meat. He also tries to weave in personal stories about meals he's had in the past, but I felt those stories interrupted the flow of the facts. After a while, the arguments for and against eating meat just go around in circles. Should we? Shouldn't we? Should we? Shouldn't we? I had high hopes for this book, but if you really want to know what is going on in our meat industry I highly recommend Slaughterhouse by Gail A. Eisnitz instead of this one.

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