This book was so disturbing. I had not heard about this real-life case, but the book popped up on my "Best Books (so far) in 2013" list on Amazon. It was only $2 for Kindle so I downloaded it and read it. It is a short book, probably better listed as long-form journalism, coming in at close to ninety pages. Since I was not familiar with the crime, the entire story and all the details were new to me. I was disgusted by the brutality of the crime. I was saddened by the motive, which was completely and utterly asinine! I already hold a very fragile faith in humanity and this just made me shake my head. Stories like this make you want to give up on people and live off the grid.
The story outlines the murder of a young woman in a Lululemon store in Bethesda, Maryland in 2011. Bethesda is a pretty affluent part of Maryland so it was a crime that shocked that community and had people living in fear. After the initial shock of the crime, the investigation and its results just add salt to the wound. If you delve deeper, there is also something to be said about how humans do not connect with one another anymore. This particular crime was overheard by employees at an Apple store next door and they did not even bother to call 911. I was disgusted all over again when I read that part of the story. If you have a strong stomach and an interest in the law and forensics this is a quick read, but it may haunt you for a while.

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