I've been reading this book off and on for at least two or three years. I guess that already tells you that it took me a little while to get into it. I also would always put it aside in favor of books I'd borrowed from the library. I figured since I owned this book, I could get to it whenever. Finally I just picked it back up last month, determined to finish it. I had to start over from the beginning because it had been so long since I last tried to read it. In the end, I liked it, but I didn't love it. It certainly made me think and I even highlighted some passages that I found to be very moving and introspective. With that being said, I felt like it fell off at the end. There were two sections to the book. The first section is about 90% of the book and there there are about 40 pages in the second section. I would have been totally satisfied if the book was completed at the end of the first section or if the second section was more concise and to the point. The book is a retelling of the story of Cupid and Psyche from the perspective of Orual, Psyche's put-upon, less attractive sister. I found the new perspective refreshing and found myself both understanding, yet feeling sorry for, Orual. The author being C.S. Lewis, one can't help but to think about theology while reading this book. There are plenty of religious themes and ideas presented as food for thought. I have to say though, when I finally finished it, I was just glad it was over.

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