I tore through this book in about two days because it's another teen fantasy book (i.e. quick read). I ended up reading this because I saw Viola Davis will be in the movie and I like her. Since the book is always better than the movie, I downloaded it to my Nook for $3.99 and got to reading. Anyway, it's your typical, new kid in school is kind of weird/magical; one of the regular students falls for new kid; they love each other but can't really be together (physically) because of the magical weirdness; and they have to fight some dark evil, story. Yes, it's a plot we've seen ad nauseum, but I will haltingly admit that I enjoyed it for what it was. The key words in that sentence are "for what it was". You have to go into the story understanding that it's a teen fantasy. If you know and accept that, you'll more readily accept some of the plot holes and leaps of logic that have to be made. You also have to understand that you will know what's going on in the story about five chapters before the characters do. I must have thought "It's a trap you idiot! Don't do it!" at least twenty times. Those are the things you expect when you're an adult reading a teen novel. If it went deeper psychologically, it wouldn't be a teen book. However, the escapism is often enough of a trade-off that it's worth it. In this case the escapism was worth it. Will I read the complete series? Possibly in the summer since they are quick reads. Seems like a series I could take on vacation.

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