This is a supposed to be (according to the book jacket) a nearly true account about a British executive who moves to Paris to work for a company there and all the hilarity that ensues. Well I was laughing out loud in the beginning of the book and then it turned into a never-ending quest by the author to get laid. There was also a side story about how his boss was seemingly involved in some weird Parisian political scheme, but I never got interested in that portion of the story, nor did I really care at that point. I thought I would be getting a funny perspective about living in Paris as a non-Parisian. Instead it's pretty much about a man hoping he can get lucky with the ladies. I love most things Parisian, but I think I will stick to reading books about the food of Paris and the relationship one has with the city, not with the female inhabitants of said city. You can skip this one. Try The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry or Paris, My Sweet instead.

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