Well you know once I love a book in a series I have to jump on it the series. So I got the second book in the series yesterday at the library and finished it today (teen book = quick read). Now on to the review.
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did I love it as much as Divergent? Not so much. It is the same with most "second books" in a trilogy. You get a little bit of new information in order to move the story along, but nothing too crazy happens because all of the heavy stuff should happen in the final book. The protagonist has some angst about some of the things she saw and did in the first book so she's pretty much depressed throughout the book and is now unable to perform at her best. You know I hate that sh*t. Excuse the profanity, but nothing gets me more riled up than a girl who weakens under pressure and starts making bad decisions instead of standing strong in the face of adversity and giving it the finger. Anyway, she snaps out of it a little bit so I'll give her a small pass. However, she better be about her life in Book 3.
The redeeming quality of this book was the big reveal at the end. It is reminiscent of one of M. Night Shyamalan's movies. I'll let you figure out which one if you read the book. If you don't think you'll ever read this series and are curious, though, you can highlight below for the spoiler.
Spoiler starts here---> The factions discover that they are enclosed by the fence to protect them from the outside world where apparently there is a lot of murder, madness, and mayhem going on. That's the part that sounds like The Village by M. Night Shyamalan. The kicker is that the founder of all this faction madness is one of the main character's family members. The instructions from the founder are that the fence should be opened wide when the number of Divergent has grown exponentially (which it now has). <---Spoiler ends here
And there you have it. Insurgent was not as exciting for me as Divergent. It also was not without its flaws, but it did what it was supposed to do, which was reveal some major new information to propel the story forward. I still plan on reading Allegiant (Book 3) when it comes out in a few months because I want to see where the author takes these characters. I will see it through to the end!

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