This book was recommended to me by a fellow RN when he found out I was going to be traveling to Paris. I read half of the book prior to my trip and completed it while on my trip. It was such a different experience for me to be reading a book about a city while I was actually exploring and experiencing said city. I loved it! It was almost uncanny how I would spend the day at the Jardin du Luxembourg only to curl up with this book later that evening in my hotel room, remove the bookmark, start reading, and realize that the next chapter was an essay about the exact same garden. I really enjoyed the book and truly felt that it helped me experience Paris from a more observant perspective. I recommend the book for anyone traveling to Paris or anyone who considers themselves a Francophile. It is a book of essays, thoughts and considerations about Parisian life as lived by an expatriate. The essays are somewhat linear, though, and the prose is easy to follow. The descriptions are phenomenal and true to reality. Even if you cannot make it to Paris any time soon, you can easily get lost and travel there through this work.

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