I really love the fact that it's a novel for adults but it reaches back to childhood and the reason why so many of us love to read stories. We like to escape and imagine worlds that are full of adventure, excitement, and danger. At approximately 180pages, this book is a quick read that will take you on a fantastic ride. The boy in the story, who remains unnamed, is a shy bookworm with no friends. One day a boarder at his family's home steals the father's car and kills himself at the end of the lane. When the boy and his father go to the end of the lane, they meet the Hempstock women. They boy is seven years old and he meets Lettie Hempstock who is eleven years old. The two become quick friends and end up having an adventure that could mean life or death for one or both of them. I'm just going to leave it at that because this is a book that has to be enjoyed, not explained.
When we sometimes think of magical books or fantasy books, we think of Harry Potter or something similar. This is a different kind of magic. It's the kind that doesn't have answers and is closely intertwined with the real world in plain sight. That was one of the reasons I enjoyed it. You may never look at a full moon or the night sky in the same way after reading this book. Is what we see on a daily basis real? Is your reality a mirage? Memory is a tricky thing. When you remember something from your childhood, how sure are you of its veracity?
You can easily read this book in one day. I suggest a nice quiet spot with your preferred warm beverage (coffee, tea, cider, cocoa) and a baked good. If you can, get the physical book. Stay off social media, turn your phone/laptop/tablet off and enjoy!

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