I am constantly trying to figure out what I'm really supposed to be doing on this Earth. I really enjoy my current career in the health field, but I think there is something more I'm supposed to be doing. What is that 'more'? Well I picked up Ken Robinson's book to see how I could go about finding out the answer to that question. I first saw Ken Robinson during this TED talk. I really enjoyed the talk and felt he had a lot of valid points. So, naturally, I was interested to see what he recommends in this book about finding out what gives you life.
As far as self-help books go, this one was pretty inspirational and helpful. It doesn't give you too much psychological mumbo-jumbo. What it does provide in the way of psychology and research is mostly already known and established so it's not overwhelming. There are some step-by-step measures and recommendations given. There are even some exercises to complete if you're interested. I think the best thing the book does is ask the questions you need to answer in order to move forward on your quest to find your passion. Taking personal time to just sit down with yourself and ask some of these questions might be the only jump-start you need. I found that just reflecting on the questions and jotting down a few notes for some of the exercises got my mind flowing.
The individual stories that are interspersed throughout are good and will leave you thinking: "If they could do it, why shouldn't I be able to as well?"
If you decide to pick it up, I wish you luck on your journey.

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