This story reads very quickly but it's very powerful. I completed it in less than 3 hours. One of the great attributes of the book is that it is written in a very accessible way. It's not a lengthy documentary with deep political histories and dry facts. The story is told on a personal level that it is easily visualized and understood. Sometimes I read a book and think, "If I were an educator, I would make this required reading". This is one of those books that I would consider to be a stepping-stone towards creating global citizens. I don't need to go into too much detail about what happens. The title tells you just about everything. At the end of the story, the question remains: What can we do to help these young girls escape their plight? There is so much work to be done in this arena that it feels overwhelming because this is only one story about one girl. The knowledge that there are so many others will hopefully propel others into action. I recently have been doing some research on organizations that help girls obtain access to education so they can escape these injustices. After reading this, I definitely want to make a commitment to supporting a reputable organization.

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