This book was mentioned at one of our patient management meetings when we were discussing NICU care. So of course I had to pick it up because, having worked in a NICU for a little over 4 years, I have a big interest in it. The disclaimer is that this book was written in the 80s when hospitals still had smoking lounges and words like "defective", "crippled", "retarded", and "handicapped" were acceptable. So if words like that will offend you, this may not be the medical history book you want to read. The book does a very good, detailed job of describing the evolution of NICU care and the consequences of that care. It raises the very same ethical questions that we are still dealing with to this day. I found it interesting, but only if you have worked in a NICU or have a keen interest in NICUs and ethics. Otherwise you may be too bored to care.

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