First, I must admit I couldn't put it down. It is 4am and I just finished it. I had to find out what was going to happen next. The author does know how to snare you! That's a good thing. With that being said these characters were so infuriating! There wasn't one character I truly liked (except Charlie, a 6 year old boy. He was sweet.). All the housewives are cookie-cutter 'burbs and none of them seem to share an independent brain cell between the whole lot of them. I was so frustrated reading this! I liked the movie "Something Borrowed" and decided to give Emily Giffin a try, but I found myself secretly yelling at most of the characters. Especially the two main female characters. If the author could maintain her current writing style, but add some STRONG female characters instead of weak, needy ones I'd be happy.

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