I think I may have read this book too soon after this one. I really can only read a book like this on average about once per year. Or, if I read more than one per year, the first one has to be in January and the second one around November/December. It's only been four months. Not enough time has passed for me to appreciate the cheesy romance this time around. It was the same predictable story. I outlined the
Boy meets girl; girl is reluctant; girl isn't reluctant beyond page 60; nobody wants to admit they are in love; big argument or misunderstanding; something potentially tragic or dangerous happens; then everyone admits they actually ARE in love...the end!
There you have it again, in a nutshell. This book ended kind of abruptly too because it is part of a series. The next book in the series is called All That I Desire and the events of that book are foreshadowed towards the end of this one. I felt kind of "meh" about this installment. I think I just went for the guilty pleasure book too soon without reading enough heavy/non-fiction/cerebral material prior to picking it up. However, if you are in the market for a book like this for your summer enjoyment, go for it.