I'm starting to think I'm just a little biased when it comes to books about Paris. I'm starting to wonder if I only like them because I loved my trip there so much. I think moving forward all my reviews about books regarding Paris should be taken with a grain of salt. It's kind similar to when parents think their kids can do no wrong, but everyone else thinks they are brats. I wonder if I love Paris and books about it, but everyone else thinks it's all crap. Hmmm....well anyway, I loved this book!
This is a collection of thirty-two essays written by writers who have each had their own varied experiences in Paris. Each writer makes their essay their own individualized account of Paris as they know or knew it. What I enjoyed about it was that it wasn't always a love fest. Some writers were not as smitten with Paris as others. Some longed for home and were only in Paris because of wars ravaging their homeland or politics that had pushed them out. Others were very much in love with Paris. Nobody was ambivalent about it. It was interesting to see how a Parisian experience can change someone's view of the world and of himself or herself. I took my time with this book. It could have easily been a quick read. The essays are short enough to breeze through, however I suggest you sit down on a quiet weekend with some coffee and maybe a soft flaky croissant and take the time to slowly absorb the stories.

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