First let me start by saying the hardcover dust jacket glows in the dark. While some may say "so what?" I thought it was an awesome feature. When I was reading at night, I would put the book on my nightstand and turn off the light so I could go to sleep and there it was beckoning me to keep reading. The story was great because it does three things that you want a story to do. First, it draws you in, then it keeps you interested and, finally, it gives your mind something to chew on long after it's over. The premise of the story is that a young man works at an odd bookstore with odd patrons. Curiosity soon gets the better of him and he dives into the mystery of Codex Vitae. Along the way there is always this undercurrent of technology vs. old-school learning. We depend so much on technology now that one has to wonder if we are actually losing knowledge that is right in front of our eyes by chasing the next new thing instead. I know it's only the fifth day of the new year, but I think this is going down as one of my favorites.

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