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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Sweet Relief of Missing Children

Skip this book!  For the first 200 pages I really hung in there hoping that the stories would somehow connect and make sense, but then for the last 159 pages I was just speed reading.  Then I got to the end and was pissed!  There is no closure, no real connection to the big picture at all and no questions answered!  The entire book, as indicated by the title, is a little disconcerting because it deals with topics such as rape, abortion, abduction, suicide and so on.  Everyone's life in this book is sad and pathetic.  If I look through my literature review glass I can come up with some grandiose philosophical ideals I'm sure the author is trying to convey (i.e. the loneliness of parenting, what makes a good parent, sacrifice of your life goals for your child's, etc...) However, I just wanted the book to end because it was depressing as hell.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Baby Planner

5 things about this book
1) It was definitely written with the hopes that movie rights will be bought...probably a cute little rom-com with Katherine Heigl
2) I only picked this up because Jackie Collins has a quote on the cover (and she is the queen of quick trashy reads and I <3 her)
3) That being said....Josie Brown is NO Jackie Collins
4) This is a very quick read....perfect if you have one more beach trip coming up this summer
5) It's a very predictable book and the main character is quite clueless.  You, as the reader, will catch on by page 20 and she's still clueless until page 200-something.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Miss Minimalist

As you may or may not know, I am trying to scale back on my clutter and the amount of random "things" I own.  It's been a really good process so far and this book offers further motivation to continue to cut back on consumerism.  It is a short, quick read (as it should be if it is about minimalism right??) and offers a lot of GREAT ideas that can be implemented in anyone's daily life.  Don't feel like you need to do a lot to simplify your life.  You can choose just one idea and start from there and see where the journey takes you.  (FYI:  this book was only $1 on Amazon for the Kindle version)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have to say at first I didn't think I would get into this book, but I heard a little rumor that Spielberg will be directing the movie so I had to read it.  LOVED IT!  I was more into this book than I thought I would be, but you do have to enjoy a little science fiction to even think about picking this up.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

If Sons Then Heirs

I really wanted to like this book because I heard good things about it.  In the end though, I had to force myself to finish it.  It was "just ok".  I couldn't bring myself to truly care about any of the characters.  There were some side stories that were unnecessary.  Then there were great side stories that weren't developed well enough.  It's also a book that vacillates between present day and the past.  I think the author did that to show that the two are always connected, but it didn't really work for me here.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Master your Metabolism

Recommended to me by my friend Aubrey. I literally took out a notebook and jotted notes while reading this book.  I was already in the process of organizing and cleaning my life up.  Now it's time to do the same for my body.  Great information in here like how to tell if the produce you are buying has been genetically modified or not and what brands of food are sustainable and organic.